Installation Advice
Some helpful tips installing your picket fence.
Fencing: Getting in Straight.
We realise that many properties are not perfectly level, often they are on a steep or undulating slope. When ordering your fence, you can provide us with the gradient, or step down. Our fabrication team can then customise your panel to suit your individual situation. This will ensure no time-wasting with less time cutting and fabricating on site. We will take the guesswork out of building your fence. Saving you time and money.
Our picket fence panels are made in standard lengths of 2340mm or 2400mm depending on the style. When you order your fence, we will round up the number of panels supplied, so that you will never run short on site. Therefore, if during installation you find that a planned post is situated above a service such as a water main or power cable, you can cut one of the panels short to avoid the service.
And that is our unique way of Thinking about solving any contingencies before they arise.
In fact, that is Think Fencing, straight talk!
Tools Required.
What you may need to get the job done, each installation guide (downlowdable below) contains a list of tools required for the different fence types.

Installation Guides
Click on an image below to download the installation guide PDF you require.
Installation Overview
Like building anything, careful planning and preparation is the key to a quality job.
You are reading this for one of two reasons, reason one is you have just purchased a beautiful new fence and are excited to work out how to put it together correctly. Or you are considering a new Think Fencing fence and want to see how it goes together.
Step 1: Site Preparation
If you need to remove an old fence or clean up the area, do this before you start marking out your new fence. Trim trees or bushes to not only allow a clear area for the fence but don’t forget to give yourself room to manoeuvre around the fence during construction.
Step 2: Unpacking and Layout
When your fence arrives you will have a pack of posts, rails, pickets, caps, Gates and other hardware.
It is important to lay all of your components and position them in roughly the correct spot along the fence line. By doing this, you can visually identify where everything goes.
Step 3: How it fits together
Step 4: Cutting to Size
All Think Fencing rails are supplied in either 2340mm or 2400mm. We always round up with our panels, making sure you always have extra length. This gives you the flexibility to cut the rails to size in between your posts.
This is important if you find yourself with a planned post position right above a service such as a water main. You can cut the rails and move the post position to make this panel shorter and avoid the obstacle.
You also have the flexibility to adjust the panels so that they are all the same length, ie an even post spacing across your fencing run. Rather than a short panel at one end.
Step 5: Marking Out
Now you have worked out where your fence is going to go and how it’s going to fit together you can start to mark out where your post holes are going to be.
Always work on centre of post measurement.